How to
First, install java 8 (if not installed already). Then run program with start.bat (windows) or running script ./ (on Linux ofc).
- Login
- Define at least one HDD Group
- If you want to use "easy-plot-replace", set date and time
until LAST plot was made. Plots older than this date and time
will be deleted one by one, when space is running low. Use
this feature to replace "old" plots with new, NFT plots
- If you want to use staging, define staging. If not, skip this
- Set staging folder for each staging configuration
- Select HDD Group(s) (you can select multiple by holding CTRL) to which plots from staging folder will be copied to
- Settings are all done, you are ready to start plotting
- Set farmer key - required
- Set NFT contract (for poolable/portable plots). You get this contract (64chars) from CHIA UI
- OR
- Set pool key (if you DONT want to use official pools and you want to farm solo). If you want to create portable/poolable plots, leave this field blank
- Set threads, number of iterations, buckets (plotting params)
- Select HDD Group to which plot will be copied to
- OR
- Select Staging configuration to which plot will be copied to